Behind the scenes...

... Meet Christine Hefel,

A certified choreographer and instructor for dance pedagogy, she is the art and choreographic director of the Dance Art Company. 

She attended the “Studio Move On” in Vienna and the Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance in Munich as well as the School of Performing Arts in Orlando. Her career in dance took her around the world – Singapur, Walt Disney World in Florida, a luxury cruise ship in the North Sea – she has seen it all. 

Christine Hefel looks back at 30 years of experience in the areas of dance shows, presentations and the artistic realization of personal ideas. She annually works with the New York Broadway Dance Center and develops choreographies for TV shows. She recently collaborated with Nora Waldstätten for the criminal series “Murder by the Lake” and created choreographies for the HK Gruber opera “Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald” at the Bregenz Festival.


She also teaches at the University of Teacher Education and offers training courses for kindergarten teachers subsidised by the federal state government of Vorarlberg.



Together with the dancers trained at the Studio Art School in Dornbirn, which she has been directing since 1996, she now takes the stage at your event!

The Dance Art Company...

… has been offering creative and unique dance shows in the German speaking countries since 1996. Christine Hefel’s goal is to bring her own choreographies to the stage and ultimately turn her dreams into reality.


“Those who have experienced that feeling when you dance and you forget everything that surrounds you – they know what I am talking about. This feeling has marked my life – and it continues to do so.” C. Hefel



This passionate feeling is what Christine has been bringing to the stage for the last 20 years with her Dance Art Academy making her the number one address when it comes to dancing.